#!/usr/sbin/nft -f # Name: K4YT3X Vagrant nftables Script # Author: K4YT3X # Date Created: October 13, 2020 # Last Updated: October 20, 2020 # Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3 (GNU GPL v3), # available at: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt # (C) 2020-2021 K4YT3X # flush all existing rules flush ruleset # TCP ports to accept (both IPv4 and IPv6) #define ACCEPT_TCP_PORTS = {} # UDP ports to accept (both IPv4 and IPv6) #define ACCEPT_UDP_PORTS = {} # IPv4 filter table table ip filter { chain input { type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop; iifname "lo" accept ct state established,related accept # accept user-defined ports #tcp dport $ACCEPT_TCP_PORTS accept #udp dport $ACCEPT_UDP_PORTS accept # allow necessary ICMP types for debugging icmp type { echo-request, destination-unreachable, time-exceeded, parameter-problem } accept # DHCP udp sport 67 udp dport 68 # Bonjour/mDNS #ip daddr udp dport 5353 # UPNP #ip daddr udp dport 1900 accept } chain output { type filter hook output priority 0; policy accept; oifname "lo" accept ct state related,established accept } chain forward { type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop; } } # IPv4 NAT table table ip nat { chain prerouting { type nat hook prerouting priority -100; policy accept; } chain input { type nat hook input priority 100; policy accept; } chain postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority 100; policy accept; } chain output { type nat hook output priority -100; policy accept; } } # IPv6 filter table table ip6 filter { chain input { type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop; iifname "lo" accept rt type 0 drop ct state established,related accept ct state invalid drop # accept user-defined ports #tcp dport $ACCEPT_TCP_PORTS accept #udp dport $ACCEPT_UDP_PORTS accept # DHCPv6 ip6 saddr fe80::/10 ip6 daddr fe80::/10 udp sport 547 udp dport 546 accept # Bonjour/mDNS #ip6 daddr ff02::fb udp dport 5353 accept # UPNP #ip6 daddr ff02::f udp dport 1900 accept # allow necessary ICMP packets in compliance with RFC4890 jump rfc4890 } chain output { type filter hook output priority 0; policy accept; oifname "lo" accept rt type 0 drop ct state related,established accept # allow necessary ICMP packets in compliance with RFC4890 jump rfc4890 } chain forward { type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop; } # ICMPv6 filtering rules must comply with RFC4890 # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4890 # https://github.com/intel/intel-iot-refkit/blob/master/meta-refkit-core/recipes-security/nftables-settings-default/files/firewall.template chain rfc4890 { # allow basic IPv6 functionality ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 icmpv6 type {{ destination-unreachable, packet-too-big, time-exceeded, parameter-problem, echo-request, echo-reply }} accept; # allow auto configuration support ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 icmpv6 type {{ nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-neighbor-advert, nd-router-advert, nd-router-solicit }} ip6 hoplimit 255 accept; # allow multicast listener discovery on link-local addresses ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 icmpv6 type {{ mld-listener-query, mld-listener-report, mld-listener-reduction }} ip6 saddr fe80::/10 accept; # allow multicast router discovery messages on link-local addresses (hop limit 1) ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 icmpv6 type {{ nd-router-advert, nd-router-solicit }} ip6 hoplimit 1 ip6 saddr fe80::/10 accept; # return to the original chain return } }